Tuesday, October 04, 2011

October Update

I have been off in my own whiny little world for a few weeks.  Sorry.  First I'll congratulate everyone that had something fabulous happen in the last few weeks.  Becky got a new car!!!  Ariel finally had her baby!  And I am sure there is so much more!

I started work last week.  Same job I had in Florida, but so very very different!  This week I spent the last coupledays working with the housekeepers.  I was really re-thinking this whole work thing... but I am back to the frint desk tomorrow so I think I'll like it!  We'll see.

Mike wrecked our VWBeetle a few weeks ago too.  I'm not sad about it at all!  I hated that car! now we are down one car payment & one car!  Trust me - it's a good thing! 

I've finally started to lose a little weight.  I mean it when I say a little too!  But,every little bit helps!

The kids are doing great in school.  They each only have one C and one A, the rest are B's.  We were shooting for straight A's, but I'm happy with B's too!  They know that a C means "Can do better"!

I am still trying to perfect uploading pics and new posts with the new Blogger app on my phone.  If you see a blank one let me know!

Hope you all have a great day!

2 comments: said...

Always happy to see you blogging and updating!

Hope you have a good week!

April said...

well, it sounds like thing are settling in well...keep up the updates :)